⏳ Edge#55: DeepAR, multi-dimensional time-series forecasting, and Sktime
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💡 ML Concept of the Day: What is DeepAR?
Continuing our series about time-series forecasting (Edge#49, Edge#51, Edge#53), we would like to cover one of the models that has become increasingly popular since its first release. We are talking about DeepAR, part of a new generation of models that are trying to apply deep neural networks to time-series forecasting scenarios. Specifically, DeepAR leverages recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for solving large scale time-series problems.
Large-scale seems like an overloaded term when it comes to time-series analysis. In the case of DeepAR, the model focuses on a specific type of scaling challenge related to problems that include a disproportionately large number of time-series ->let me explain
🔎 ML Research You Should Know: DeepGLO is a Time-Series Model for High-Dimensional Time-Series Forecasting
In its Amazon Research proposes DeepGLO, a deep forecasting method that can combine multiple dimensions to make a prediction.
Why is it so important: Multi-dimensional time-series forecasting problems are incredibly common across many industries and they are very difficult to solve ->let's dive deeper
🤖 ML Technology to Follow: sktime is a Unified Time Series Framework for Scikit-Learn
Initially incubated by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, the Consumer Data Research Centre, and The Alan Turing Institute, sktime can be seen as a unified framework for building time-series forecasting solutions in scikit-learn ->why should you know about this and how you can use it
🧠 The Quiz
Now, to our regular quiz. After ten quizzes, we will reward the winners. The questions are the following:
What is a traditional time-series forecasting scenario for using a DeepAR algorithm?
What is the main value proposition of the sktime framework?
That was fun! Thank you. See you on Thursday 😉
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